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Comments from Survivors

"They were very kind & supportive. I wouldn't have had the courage to leave if it weren't for them."

"I appreciated these people they make me feel like a human not a dog."

"Without you  I'd be dead! I love you."


DOMESTIC VIOLENCE is the intentional intimidation, physical violence, sexual abuse and emotional abuse used systematically by one person in a relationship to control the other. Domestic violence can occur in dating relationships, within married households and between family, and can be found in all types of relationships and across all socioeconomic, racial and ethnic barriers.  It is a term commonly used to descrie the pattern of behaviors used by a batterer to control and dominate which include verbal abuse, financial abuse, isolation from friends and family, physical abuse and sexual abuse and coertion, among others. Domestic violence has terrible consequences for victims ranging from physical injury, psychological trauma, and even death.



  • Domestic violence is not limited to heterosexual couples.

  • Physical violence is only one componenet of domestic violence relationships.

  • Abusive partners may use more coercive and less physical forms of intimidation to dominate and control their partners.

  • No form of abuse is more devestating to victims than another, it is all abuse and has the same affect on the victims.

  • Domestic violence is cyclical and can present itself generation after generation in families.

  • Domestic Violence events are followed by a "honeymoon phase" where the abuser becomes loving, devoted, and makes promises to change. This phase is temporary and followed by increasing tension in the relationship until it explodes into another violent episode.




  • The myth that an abusive past causes abusive behavior

  • The myth that previous partners infidelity or leaving causes abuse

  • The myth that abusive people only hurt their victims because they love them the most

  • The myth that employment, unemployment, and job related stress justify abuse

  • The myth that the batterer is just too emotional, can’t control their anger, or lack conflict resolution skills

  • The myth that batterers are afraid of intimacy and therefore become violent

  • The myth that abuse is caused by drugs and alcohol

  • The myth that discrimination or racism cause abusive behavior.

  • The myth that the “decay of the traditional family” causes abuse

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